Transportation and Environmental Consulting
The Darrah Management Group is a transportation and environmental management and consulting company based in Mariposa County, California.
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The Darrah Management Group (DMG) is a transportation and environmental management and consulting company based in Mariposa County, California. DMG offers consulting services in transportation and environmental management. DMG is owned by Scott Galloway. Mr. Galloway has an academic background in biological sciences and twenty-seven years of transportation experience at the management level. He has worked in the transportation field since 1970.
Mr. Galloway served as Secretary/General Manager of the Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District, from 1976 until 1997. During his tenure with Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District, he managed the growth and development of the transit system from a thirty-five bus fixed route system to an ninety-three bus system which provides comprehensive local, inter-city and inter-county transit and paratransit services.
DMG is experienced and organized to provide consulting services which will assist public or private clients to:
Identify transportation issues, formulate alternatives for transportation system development, develop short and long range transit plans and develop and implement financial plans.
Identify and evaluate environmental, social and economic impacts of development projects, and select optimum environmentally sound transportation solutions.
Develop operating and financial plans for and implement local and inter-county bus services.
Identify financial resources for developing public transportation systems and secure funding for transit operating and capital projects.
Develop local, state and federal grant programs including grant reporting systems, accounting and project management functions and controls.
Develop and manage legislative programs and implement successful legislative action plans.
Design and construct operations and
maintenance facilities, intermodal transfer centers and park and ride facilities.
Manage transit projects in a cost effective manner.
Develop public sector personnel systems, and hire and train the staff necessary to manage, operate and maintain public transit systems.
Organize and manage transit advertising and public information programs.
Work with private businesses and private non-profit companies to secure private funding for and participation in transit services and the construction of transit facilities.
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